F.A.Q. - Frequent questions
How many calendars can you order?
There is no minimum number of calendars to book, only one can be requested. We remind you that our products can be purchased both from companies and individuals.
Is there a minimum number of copies to customize them?
Only one copy can be customized.
How to get administrative information?
You can contact us at: ilcalendarioaforismi@libero.it.
But are the sentences always the same every year?
Each year the sentences are different and not repeated.
I would be interested in reselling the calendar in my business. How can I do?
You can contact us by email: ilcalendarioaforismi@libero.it
I would like to order it directly without using the site.
For telephone orders you can contact us at. 333 2731300 or write an email to ilcalendarioaforismi@libero.it
I would like to give it as a gift, what can I do?
In the address field enter the shipping address of the person you want to give it to. In the package there will be neither the price nor the person who made the purchase.
I have already purchased the calendar with support, need to buy the support again?
For the new calendar (any) you can only buy calendar.
Will my data be communicated to other people?
No! In no case will they be transferred to third-party companies unrelated to your order.
How can I pay?
You have 5 payment options available: Credit card, PayPal, Cash on delivery, Bank transfer For those who live in and around Bologna, they can buy the calendar by calling 3332731300, or by email: ilcalendarioaforismi@libero.it
How can I find out the status of my order?
For each purchase there is a notification service via e-mail with which you will be constantly updated on the progress of the order until the package has arrived at your home.
Can I cancel an order?
You can cancel an order while it is still being prepared.
Can I return the goods?
If you are not satisfied with what you have received, you can return the goods within 14 days of receipt, accompanying the return with a written communication. We accept the return of any product as long as it is in a position to be resold.
May I request an invoice?